nationwide telephone +48 22 398 30 65
Fifteen-year experience in Poland and wide range of clients are the best garantee of checked and professional performance of removal of products containing asbestos. Below we are presenting steps towards quick, cheap and easy getting rid of products containing asbestos from your building or property.
1. Send an email on the addres:s ramid(at)
Remember to indicate the following:
You receive in return for that:
2. After accepting terms of the contract, completing and signing, please send it by email (scan).
We will take care of the rest.
What will you gain:
Additionally for all our clients we prepare full before and post-completion documentation.
After completion of service we issue the following documents:
the Rage includes voivodships: Mazowieckie, Łódzkie, Lubelskie, Świętokrzyskie
ul. Na Skraju 109A
05-090 Raszyn
tel. 22 3983065
fax. 22 3983074
the Rage includes voivodships: Pomorskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Podlaskie
ul. Arkońska 6
80-387 Gdańsk
tel. 58 7423035
the Rage includes voivodships: the Range voivodeships: Wielkopolska, Zachodniopomorskie, Lubuskie
ul. Głogowska 10
60-004 Poznań
tel. 61 6416595
The Rage includes voivodships: Dolnośląskie, Opolskie, Śląskie, Podkarpackie, Małopolska
ul. Olimpijska 13
40-166 Katowice
tel. 32 7009565